Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On the road again....update!

**Follow me on instagram from state to state metzger_rachael is my user name**

I'm sitting in Tate street coffee near UNCG's campus. I spoke to some students here last night about my walk with the Lord, before going on The World Race, during and now after and how much He has changed me. How much He changed all of us that went and thought we were just signing up to go do a little " missions work". Work got done, people were served, the gospel was shared, but Why the Lord took us out of what we knew and threw us into The World Race was to take us into the wilderness and speak tenderly to us. He wanted to reveal more of himself and wake us up to who he is and who he desires us to be.

Anyone who knew me before the race could tell you what I wanted coming out of the World Eace was to be called to a specific country or ministry we worked with and know my life plans- finally have clarity. But what I got coming out of the race was a desire for more of God, more intimacy with the creator of heaven and earth, and the question plaguing me was no longer where are you going , but who are you becoming? (Don't get me wrong I still want to know the where's as well, but the main thing is the who) So I'll pose the same question to you: " Who are you becoming? When you die what legacy do you want to leave? If you were to pass away right now what would others write about who you were? It can be a little intense to think of your own eulogy, but tomorrow isn't guaranteed..Do you have a vision of the person you are working to become? And if so, do your decisions line up with being that person?

I wish I had been asking this question years ago. It would have saved a lot of heartache and aimless wandering. Scripture says, "..my people perish without vision" and it's true. It doesn't mean at all that you have to have your entire life mapped out, but what are you moving towards? The external circumstances could change, but the internal process remains the same no matter where you are.

I talked for a while last night, about an hour and a half and I skipped half of what I had planned to talk about- part bending plans to the Spirits will and part my own tangents. My prayer is that in all my rambling that the students I spoke to last night would see that I wanted to make much of Jesus, that I am hungry to know him more, that I want to remind people of their God given identities and spark them to seek out the answers from the Lord- he is faithful to answer. That prayer is the same for whoever I encounter. I want to be the crazy girl obsessed with Jesus. If I am doing things that go against this world order, if I'm being misunderstood, rejected, and questioned by the religious sort, if "non church folk" wanna sit and spend time with me, and our generation is asking for morewith me, then I'll consider it a day well spent; that just maybe I'm figuring out a little more what following Jesus looks like.

I'm excited for how the Lord is going to use his kids on UNCG's campus. I wanna hear how he's speaking to them, the new revelation they are recievibg and how freedom is breaking out on campus and in their city. Lord I trust you with this campus, with these students.. Break addictions, show people who you created them to be, draw people into yourself- and let your kingdom break through in Greensboro. Let the talk be about the love of God people are experiencing that started with this small group of radicals ( normals to you God).

I'm heading to Roxboro,NC to visit one of my very best friends tonight, and I'm so excited for time with her. On Friday evening I will be in Raleigh! Anyone who would like to grab coffee and cath up, talk about life interested in the world race or missions in general or just needs prayer please email me and let me know. I don't have a car, but when I'm not with friends or meeting people I'll be around the coffee shops available to hang out. I am also free to speak at bible studies, churches, youth groups, schools, events, wherever I am needed to come and make much of Jesus. I will be in Raleigh for at least two weeks, possibly longer if I have scheduled event or meetings. I'm thinking I'll be making my way back to TN after Raleigh, but not sure yet. Thanks for following everyone- God Rock our world today!

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