Sunday, July 15, 2012

Love God and do what YOU want...

“Love God, and do what YOU want..”
It may sound controversial to some, but this is the phrase that sent my mind reeling our first day of classes this week here at G42. Love God, and do what you want. So many people have asked me what exactly is G42 and why are you going and so here is my attempt to put into words why I am here and what I’m experiencing. It will be in several parts so i don’t exhaust you in one post. I am not one to tell a short story. 
In order to explain the present, let me explain the past. When I left on the world race I left a job that I love, a city my heart aches for, and some pretty incredible people in pursuit of my “calling.” Before I planted somewhere, I wanted to know that it was “exactly where God wanted me..” destiny talk I guess you could call it, God’s divine will. I realized quickly after training camp for the World Race, that the year was going to look completely different than I had expected. In fact I was told to drop all expectations, and be open to whatever God would do throughout the year. A pretty daunting demand for a control freak like myself, but I went in open handed wanting whatever it was that God had for me, and he blew away any of my previous expectations, and gave me so many answers, but left me with more questions than I had ever had in my life. 
When I got home I felt restless, I need to be “doing” something. After all we have seen, done, and experienced this year I can’t just do nothing. After all the people I’ve met, the ways I’ve seen God move, and the inner transformation that’s happened in my own heart, where do I go from here. I have all of these passions, and all this fight against the injustice of this world welling up inside of me and....
                  I DON’T KNOW.....
           WHAT TO DO WITH IT!
Not knowing is the worst for me, and so I paced the many houses I visited in the last several months trying to figure out what “my calling” is. When I finally decided to come to G42 it was, because I wanted it to be a part of my story, because I want to be mentored by people passionate to know God, and who's purpose is to send our generation out making a passion a vision and a vision a reality. We may not have much control over our environment, where we are born, or what family we are born into, but what we do have a choice in we should seize, not take for granted. Decisions are an honor God bestowed to us saying “I trust you.” Our problem a lot of the time isn’t that we haven’t heard God.. it’s that we don’t trust when we have. We are so caught up with wanting a burning bush, or to hear God’s audible voice speaking through a mega phone in the sky that we remain immobile asking for “confirmation” for the sixth time instead of seeing the passions God has given us are for us to take action.
What makes you feel alive? What gets you up in the morning? What do you see in the world that makes you burn up inside at the injustice? The age old question, “ If money weren’t an issue, What would you do with your life? Is so appropriate. Why aren’t we doing the things we love? I’m not saying the things that just make you “happy”. Life isn’t about being happy, but about work. We were each uniquely created to work for the kingdom of God. It might not always be easy, but a little passion goes a long way.... 
Our first session here at G42 Beck Hearn lead with, “ I’m not interested in fluffy super spiritual out christian-ing one another. If one of you was made to be a hairstylist, and the other wants nothing more than to start orphanages in Africa, neither is more holy. You both have a separate passion, a different mission, and both are needed. If one of you tries to do what was intended for someone else, then you create a void where you are meant to be. Don’t try to do someone else’s work, because it seems more worthy. Do the work God gave you. DO what you love. Do it for the glory of God....”
That was the first 30 minutes of our classes, the first paragraph of my 22 pages of notes, and the first discussion that started revealing issues I’ve been having in decision making, in understanding who God is, and who I am to him. I’ve often thought of God as a Father who I’ll never please. I’ll stress out about a decision, because I want to make sure it’s his perfect will so he isn’t disappointed in me. But that’s not the point. He gives me free will to choose, and he gives you the free will to do the same. Even if we don’t choose him, he’s proven he'll fight all of eternity to get us back. 
“...if you really really love God and have a relationship with Him, you don't want to do anything other than what He wants you to do! "You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature rather serve one another in LOVE." Galatians 5:13. That is freedom in Christ! It isn't about rules or religion, it's about grace, love, and Jesus kicking the crap out of Satan.

~Taken from Steve and Jo’s adventures, G42 alumni
** If you’d like to help support me here at G42 the support link is and be sure to put “Rachael Metzger” in the intern box. I am currently in need of 300 dollars for this months tuition, and $5500 total for the 6 months here. Thank you!


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