WHo am I?
Why am I here?
What’s my purpose?
Who is God, Where is he?
What’s the point?
These are questions that have echoed throughout eternity since man believed the lie Satan brought into the garden. The question we should be asking is, “ What is God’s point?” Where is he leading me?
If I’m going to find any answers I need to go back to the source. “I need to sit under the tree of life” and ask God, “What’s the point?”
Because how we answer that question determines the way we will live our lives.
Do we think God wound us up and is no longer involved?
DO you think you were made just to live 70-80 years and then die?
If you are a Christian do you believe you were made to accept Jesus and go to Heaven? If that’s the case, I ask you, What’s the point? Wouldn’t it be better to just die now if the goal is “heaven”. Was sin bigger than God, did it surprise him, and he’s really going to scrap the world, and pull out plan B?
I don’t believe so. I believe there was only ever one plan, and we are still going back to what he originally intended in eden.
We pray over and over, the memorized so often said in a drone monotone, “ Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven..”
DO we realize what scripture says? That it says “Here on earth.” That doesn’t sound like rapture and destroying the earth. Isn’t he a God who makes all things new?
Are we fighting a losing battle, or do we believe in the eschatology of Victory? Is the question Andrew posed to us last week.
Because if we believe it is all just going to hell in a hand basket, then why go to Haiti, why help the brokenhearted and homeless? Why recycle, and why do we do anything for the environment if death is the end?
I believe death is inevitable, but it’s not the end. I’m looking forward to the end, the real ending. The life AFTER life after death.. what happens after “heaven”.
Because before the fall we were made to work, and work was good. It was cursed at the fall, not created. I don’t think our future is white robes, mansions, and harps, but a New Jerusalem. An Eden like City where we live life the way God intended ; with him on the throne. That’s the Kingdom I believe in. That’s the point. Or a start....
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