Monday, February 13, 2012


     So I am kind of cheating by reposting old blogs, but before I fully enter into this new season the old needs to be revisited, appreciated and God needs to receive praises for all he has already done. In a year he picked me up and set me down on a completely new path. He healed hurts in my heart, renewed my mind, gave me more freedom than I could dream of asking for, and incredible travel companions that have turned into family. I feel like for the first time in my life I have vision as to what's coming next, next, and next. I have something I am walking toward, preparing for and that the Lord continues to build on. There is freedom for the Lord to move throughout the process, but I am not wandering aimless. I am working first towards becoming the woman he created me to BE, and then what he is calling me to do. When I was in Peru the ladies had a declarations night and this is just a little of who God says I am. More to come on casting vision for who you want to be!

I am a Daughter of the King
I carry a spirit of Honor and virtue that infects everyone around me
I dream big dreams, because my dad is creator of the universe
I am a daughter of the king
I am set apart, forgiven and accepted
I am worthy of Love, I am lovable, I am loved.
I am free and alive
Full of Grace
I am not too much
I am Joy
I am a fighter, a mover shaker, and a pryer
I was made to make people uncomfortable and to show them the fullness of life
I was made to hold hands, to pull people into his presence
I am Royalty, and I have Regality
I am an intercessor, a healer of spirit and flesh
Mender of the brokenhearted
I am a dancer, a writer, cook, and artist
I am willing to be misunderstood
He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world
I am Holy, a Saint, a temple of the Holy Spirit, a light. 
I am an interpreter
I am a leader, a pastor, a mother
I am called, I have purpose, I hear his voice
I am a builder, I am his bride, his pride and JOY
I am superwoman and he hears my prayers
I am my beloveds and he is mine
I am concerned for my brothers and sisters
I am the first to be last
I am Mary and Martha
I am a fire blazing
I am Wild, a child, I am fierce
hear me ROAR! 
I am a force to be reckoned with
I was created to create, to speak life, and speak things into existence
I call life out of others
I am a warrior princess
I am the first to jump
I am full of humility, grace, and wisdom
I am clothed in righteousness
I am obedient and submissive
I am slow to speak and quick to listen
I have the power and authority to command God's army of angels. 
I am his girl
I am a connector, I build bridges
I have unshakable, untamable faith, because I serve the one true God who tells me who I am.
I am Woman, hear me ROAR!

** God is telling me more and more everyday who I am. Take some time to sit and just listen to his voice, ask him who you are, he will always answer. He screams it at us in his word, and tells us everyday if we'll unblock our ears to listen.**

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