One day alone in her room she looked through her barred windows and into the woods surrounding her house of confinement and saw a man, and she was afraid. She drew the blinds and checked the lock....Secure as always.

      She curled up on her couch, snuggled into her quilts in front of the glowing fire and drifted off to sleep. In her dreams she was met by a lion; she was a lamb. She ran in fear of him. She ran frightened for her life, frightened for her security. She ran to her fortress and cowered in the darkness, but it's comforts were no more as he stepped through the walls to stand before her and look into her eyes. 

Fear was replaced by relief. 
Doubt replaced with faith.
Insecurity by a belonging.
A Prison exchanged for freedom.

      He lead her into green pastures and his presence was her protection. 
She awoke to a small whisper..

"Here I am"