Letters from a suitor
Letters from a Father
Letters from a creator
He attempted to free her spirit, by reminding who she is. He started simply, slowly speaking truth to open her ears to his voice.
January: "You're my daughter. There could never be a more beautiful you."
February: "The plans I have were intricately designed with you in mind. Be healed, and be confident to heal my people."
March: " I love your voice".
She couldn't help herself when she read his letter and stood on her kitchen counter and "roared", surprised at the lion in her belly, she giggled and continued to sing throughout the night. It had been a long time since she had enjoyed the sound of her own voice. Being shut out from the world, silence had become her companion.
April: "You can trust me. I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. You don't have to be alone. You weren't created to be alone."
May: "You do not have a spirit of fear, but of strength. Walk into that spirit the one of truth, and be strong and courageous."
June: "With me you are free to dance and twirl"
She danced around her room and twirled like a little girl in the park until she was so dizzy she lied on the ground and felt the room continue to spin..
July: "Why do you look for pursuers, why are you sad from not receiving a man's attention. He will never be as attentive to you as I am, I have pursued you your entire life and will continue to, because you are worth it."
August: " I don't care about your past. I separate it as far as the east is from the west and embrace you now. You don't have to be perfect or have all of your crap together, I love you."
How could you love me?? she thought.. How?
September: "Don't make excuses for why I couldn't possibly love you. Your thoughts are not my thoughts, and your ways are not my ways. I have a different standard of mercy, and of love. I love to bring you out of your past, to use your weakness to show my strength. Let me."
October: "Why do you shut yourself away dear one? I saw you once care for others. I created you for community and sacrifice hand in hand.I smile when you show others love. I desire for you to love others as long as your life lasts; then your spirit will never become dull and indifferent."
November: " You are my wild child. You were not made to be put in prison, but to jump off cliffs into deep waters, to run naked through fields, to sing praises to the heavens, and sleep under vast endless starry skies. Your heart won't stand it much longer. Let the tears fall I'll catch you when you fall. Let go. "
That night she slept in the garden, and saw shooting stars and a full moon. In the morning she woke up to the smell of fresh grass and dew drops. When she got to the front door there was another letter on the steps:
"There is a stirring in you my child. You were made to worship."
December: " I am unwavering. I am truth in all that I do, and I love grace. I long to be who you turn to in times of trouble, and in moments of joy. The more you speak to me and search to know me, the easier it will be to know your own heart, to hear my voice and to see my face. Don't get me wrong, in your life there will be troubles, but take heart I have overcome the world, and will equip you for anything the day could bring. "
" Unlock the door. I want to walk with you, and talk with you. We used to walk daily in the garden, let's go back to those times. Let's not settle for a long distance relationship. Paper and pen can only get us so far."
She trembled at his request. See him in person! How could she? He hadn't seen her, if he did he would change his mind. They always did. She was not the skinniest, prettiest, wittiest or most funny. I'm clumsy and awkward, who would want me for life? she thought. My heart is full of awful things, things I could never share. I could never look into his eyes; I'm too ashamed. It's safe here, It's easier.
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